Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church (MCMBC) is located at 610 S.E. Lime Street and is one of the largest African-American churches in the great capital city of Topeka and state of Kansas.
Established in 1908; the first official church service held in the name of Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church was on September 9, 1962, under the capable leadership of the late Rev. Dr. W.L. Templeton. A memorial dedication for the segment of S.E. Lime Street between S.E. 6th and S.E. 7th Streets as “Rev. Dr. W.L. Templeton Memorial Drive” was held by the Mayor of the City of Topeka on October 21, 2016, to honor Rev. Dr. Templeton who pastored the Church for 52 years and served the Topeka community.
Has been in existence since April 1908 until present; celebrated 108 years of Christian service in the Topeka and surrounding communities. Approximately 200 members hold active membership.
The Church is organized as not-for-profit under the IRS Code 501 (c) (3). The primary objectives and purpose are stated in the Church By-Laws. However, the Church primarily exists as the Church of Jesus Christ to perform His service and to be governed by His Holy Will, as revealed in the New Testament – Matthew 28:19-20.
Church motto is: “The Church Where Everybody is Somebody” and its historic signature song is: “We’ve Come This Far by Faith”.
Recognized at the local, district, state, and national levels as a “pillar church” dedicated and committed to Christian service, Christian Education, evangelism, community outreach, and missions at home and abroad.
Participates and holds active membership in “good standing” in the Topeka City Mission Union, Kaw Valley District Missionary Baptist Association, Missionary Baptist State Convention of Kansas, and the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
Missionary Josephine Quarles Minter has been the only individual from Topeka and Lawrence churches who dedicated her life to serving in Foreign Missions in Malawi, East Africa at Mission Stations under the auspices of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., Foreign Mission Board.
Nineteen (19) former Pastors have faithfully served at the Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church. The late Reverend Joseph E. Fisher, Sr. served as the capable Interim Pastor. Associate Minister Gale Martin was ordained in December 2015 under the pastoral leadership of Interim Pastor Reverend Joseph Fisher, Sr.
Thirty-five (35) men of faith were called to the ministry or ordained as Pastors during the ministry of the late Rev. Dr. W.L. Templeton, who also served as Pastor Emeritus.
Five senior Deacons and six newly ordained Deacons (December 2015) faithfully serve to provide leadership and support the Pastor, staff and members. The devoted wives and women, who expressed a “calling”, serve alongside of the Deacons as Deaconess.